This site is published by the company BBE DEVELOPPEMENT
Company number:  794 220 897 00019 - French Industry Classification (NAF): 8553 Z
D-U-N-S Number : 26 527 9863
Professional civil liability  - ALLIANZ IARD – 1 Cours Michelet – CS 30051 – 92076 PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX 
Registered office: 10 Rue Soret 91600 Savigny sur Orge - France 

Publication director: Philippe BOULLEAU
Web hosting: 1&1 Internet SARL
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Registered office19  rue Gustave Eiffel 91070 Bondoufle - France 
+ 33 (0) 164 970 267
 + 33 (0) 615 111 032 - Aurélien  - Sales Director

BBE DEVELOPPEMENT Member of French Land Defense & Security Industry Association - GICAT -

© Copyright PB/BBE 2014 - 2019. All rights reserved - photo credit DR & JP Nguyen Van Hai-Barbier
BBE DEVELOPPEMENT is an RNQ-QUALIOPI certified training organization by VERITAS Office Certification for training actions

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